Monday 7 June 2010


Dear blog

Living in the times what someone very special to me call a PHASE of life, which will hopefully end very soon, I am trying to figure out what have I became by now...! Things have changed beyond recognition. I fail to understand what is 'good' for me and what isn't. I may play the blame game, but that REALLY sounds immature and wrong. It's my life and I must learn to respect whatever it can offer me. At this note, I share my next poem about the abstractness of my existence which I think is STILL incomplete... but I have no intentions to complete it either...!

A not-so-known breeze

Kisses My soul;

Unheard footsteps

Sound louder each moment...

An apparently newer journey

On these old roads;

Blending a newer life

In this old soul...

New faces, new lives

Jingling with that of mine;

There are smiles, there are frowns

And then there are no smiles, only frowns...

It might be right to cry

But it's definitely wrong to smile;

Doesn't matter if rejected or selected

As there is always someone to judge you there...

Fight on, Move on and hence Live on...