Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Dear blog

I am overflowing with very strong emotions these days. I don't know what has went wrong and where, but I do know that something has gone wrong ! And in the meanwhile, trying to figure out the reasons, I have some words to share. This one's really intense, at least from my side. The only reason for such intensity may be my guilt. But then, that's how I feel right now!

That Night And That Song

On one of 'those' nights,
She held the mike and felt the stage.
The audience's world went dull
Against 'those' glossy eyes and 'that' vibrant image ...

Her songs had turned her previous nights musical,
'That' passion came quite naturally to her.
She was told her voice was lovable,
And 'that' made even her days musical ...

She had 'her' idol too,
For whom she wanted to sing better.
It was definitely one of 'those' nights
When dreams and reality ought to come closer ...

Having sung for so many times now,
The stage's magnanimity shouldn't have bothered her.
But overwhelmed with hopes, dreams and emotions,
'That' lovable voice choked and hell broke upon her ...

She was standing right 'there', crying perhaps,
Her little hands, collecting bits of 'those' broken dreams.
Guilt and pain and tears and nothing
For she failed to sing 'her' song to the world ...

She knew the words, she had the rhythm,
Her soul was singing the very song to her.
May be, God wanted her song to remain a 'secret',
And hence, the world was still unconquered ...

After all 'that' happened,
She got no courage to live on.
But she decided to move on
For she owed a lot to someone ...

Fight on, Move on and hence Live on ...

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks...and happy new year to you too... Well, I may sound weird! But Do I know you? Hope to get a reply :)
